Human rights

B2 Impact is committed to respecting the inherent dignity of people and their inalienable rights as a fundamental part of its corporate responsibility.

B2 Impact follows the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), as well as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Group views human rights as those rights recognised by the International Bill of Rights and the Core Conventions of the International Labour Organisation. B2 Impact’s Code of Conduct supports these fundamental principles and is the Group’s foundation for building and sustaining professional and long-term relations with its stakeholders and maintaining high ethical standards in every decision made.

Man with a phone standing outside
Man with a phone standing outside

B2 Impact has strengthened its commitment to human rights by, among other things, developing a Labour and Human Rights Statement. The Labour and Human Rights Statement of the Group covers the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles, the UNGPs’ “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework, and International Labour Organization Conventions 87, 98 and 111. The Labour and Human Rights Statement is in line with B2 Impact’s Sustainability Policy and outlines the labour and human rights recognised by B2 Impact to its employees irrespective of their role and the country in which they work, to its customers, and to the local communities where the Group operates.

Transparency statement 2023

B2 Impact has taken the appropriate steps to identify, address, prevent and limit violations of human rights or decent working conditions – whether potential or actual impacts. In accordance with the Norwegian Transparency Act, B2 Impact has published its first Transparency Statement which is accessible below: 

If you have further questions on how B2 Impact manages human rights, please contact us at